Volume 7 perhaps establishes just how adept Kiyotaka really is in terms of physique.He nearly outruns him and only lost due to a student from an adjacent line falling down and getting in Kiyotaka's way. Then near the end of the sports festival, Kiyotaka challenges Manabu, who is a great example of this trope himself, into a one-on-one running competition. Kiyotaka casually adjusts his strength to around what Sudo told him, and he ends up being second highest just below Sudo himself.

Sure, his only goal is personal gain and maintaining his sense of freedom, but he still subconsciously helps other people more often than not. Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: He undoubtedly does morally ambiguous deeds most of his friends wouldn't do, but people can, and do, benefit from his actions.Couple this with his upbringing in the White Room and his utter lack of having had any real affection growing up, and you'd be hard-pressed to NOT act like a blank slate. The light novels make it clear he's not so much emotionless as much as he is naive and awkward when it comes to what 'normal' social interactions are all about. Later parts of the novels suggest he is more of a Broken Ace than legitimately suffering from mental disorders.Furthermore, his aloof attitude and his wanting to isolate himself from others also add traits from Schizoid Personality Disorder. Ambiguous Disorder: Kiyotaka's penchant for manipulating people, seeing people only as tools to be manipulated in order to further his own goals, a shallow emotional affect, self-centered attitude, and an abusive childhood all point to traits consistent with Antisocial Personality Disorder.Adaptational Personality Change: Compared to the light novels, where he was more socially awkward and can actually become emotional at times (though he himself does not think so), he's practically The Stoic both inside and outside his mind in the anime.It's made clear from Kiyotaka's interaction with his father in volume 7, the man sees his son as only a tool, unable to make any choice apart from ones he has decided. The abusive parent part kicks in when we learn not only his father placed him there, the man was also responsible for the facility's founding in the first place. Abusive Parents: He was raised from birth in the White Room, a specific facility designed to educate with Training from Hell.