44 Magnum a 240-grain JSP or a 220-grain or heavier silhouette-style bullet like Federal loads commercially and other bullet makers offer for handloading are also fine choices.Ī JSP bullet at a velocity that will completely penetrate the chest of an average-size bear is probably a better choice than a hardcast SWC solid. 41 Magnum and recommends any similarly structured loads. Bosowicz uses commercial Remington 210-grain JSP ammunition in his.

45 cartridges and handloads aren’t very good choices. You need a bullet that will penetrate all that, and most hollowpoints used in most. A black bear has dense, tough muscles and is covered with thick fur, hide, and fat. He says he has never had it fail to stop a bear on site. Bosowicz immediately went and bought a Ruger Blackhawk.
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Then he encountered a situation when a charged-up major boar came down from a tree and soaked up an entire cylinder full of 158-grain JHP ammo in the chest without slowing down. 357 Magnum revolver for years as his bear gun. 357 Magnum or other similar-caliber load, a well-placed shot with a good bullet will certainly kill a bear, but it’s not recommended.

45 Colt handload in the right gun should work fine and has. Oldtime black bear hunters say that any load that throws at least a 200-grain or bigger solid bullet at 1000 fps or more will take any bear in the woods. Now what about ammunition? For a bear cartridge anything equal to or more powerful than a. If youve got the nerve to hunt this dangerous game, heres how world-class shooter Doug Koenig and Outdoor Editor Dick Metcalf did it, courtesy of master guide Wayne Bosowiczs Foggy Mountain Guide Service.