As he opened his eyes, he was in tears and couldn't explain what had just happened to him, but he was very deeply moved by what he felt. I asked him to sit up straight and a make silent request to the Divine what he would like to receive. I explained what it means and how the blessing works. When he was done I asked if he would like to receive Divine Healing Hands blessings. I asked, "are you fine, can I help you?" He poured out his feelings and I sat there listening to him.

He lifted his head up and glance sadly back at me. Not knowing what to do I said "hi" to him and waited for his response. Sitting in the corner of the kitchen table was one of my colleagues whose head bowed down on his arm at the table. So I went to the room to check out what is waiting for me.

This happened a year ago at work around lunch time, I received guidance to go to our lunch room. Let me share with you" Divine Healing Hands Healing in action". I've met many souls searching and yearning to learn ancient teachings, wisdom, knowledge, and techniques to help them understand their life challenges and ultimately transform every aspect of their lives. From the time I received my Divine Healing Hands I had serve hundreds people. I have received many requests from friends and acquaintances interested in receiving healing for their health, relationship and other challenges.